
我們的團隊成立於 2019 年,由一群熱誠且專精於人工智慧、光學取像、電腦影像及物聯網的專業人士所組成。以人工智慧賦能的 AOI 檢測方案,提升製造業現行以規則為主的 AOI 瑕疵檢測效能,進而挑戰包含傳產的新興檢測應用及商業模式為公司的核心價值!

MegAAOI was founded in 2019 by a highly enthusiasm and visionary team of industry veterans with extensive knowledge of AI, IoT and Edge/Cloud computing. The core competence of the company is to leverage AI and IoT technology for Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) to improve inspection accuracy, explore new AOI applications and business model.

創辦年份 :2019
團隊規模 :5+


Billion Wan, GM of MegAAOI, was invited by D Forum 2020 - Smart Factory, hosted by DIGITINES, as one of the keynote speaker to deliver a speech titled as "AIoT, a game changing technology to AOI industry!"

Billion Wan, GM of MegAAOI, was invited by D Forum 2020 - Smart Factory, hosted by DIGITINES, as one of the keynote speaker to deliver a speech titled as "AIoT, a game changing technology to AOI industry!"

05 Nov, 2020

MegAAOI was proud to have been selected by Startup SBIR Stage-1 of 2020 as 1 of 150, out of 450+ applicants, to receive subsidy for our innovated product - AI-enabled, connected AOI machine!

MegAAOI was proud to have been selected by Startup SBIR Stage-1 of 2020 as 1 of 150, out of 450+ applicants, to receive subsidy for our innovated product - AI-enabled, connected AOI machine!

10 Aug, 2020

MegAAOI is proud to be selected by Microsoft for startups for connected AI AOI machine

MegAAOI, as a trailblazer for connected AI AOI machine, is proud to announce that we had been selected as one of the eighteen, out of 130+ of Microsoft for Startups - phase 2! Recently, we have successfully deployed our very first trained AI model to China factory remotely via Microsoft Azure IOT Hub, so as to cope with the pandemic of COVID-19. Having success deployed the model, we will then use this AI closed-loop to further collect user feedback and to perform more effective retrains by using Edge to Cloud approach. A connected machine means one step forward to the next MaaS business model!

23 Apr, 2020